If you are an AIB business customer, it is important to note that AIB have control limits on payroll transactions if using the SEPA XML file format. This control limit represents the maximum cumulative value of salary payments that can be processed per Original Identification Number (OIN) on a daily basis. The limit is based on the maximum salary payment file submitted over the past 12 months plus a 20% buffer.
Increasing Control Limits
The process for getting a control limit raised varies depending on the type of nominated account linked to the OIN. If the account is based on the available balance, then the process is very straight forward and involves you contacting your AIB Relationship Manager and requesting the limit be raised. The process is fast and can be turned around within a day.
If the account is based on ledger balance the same process applies (i.e. you should contact your AIB Relationship Manager) but due to a more stringent approval process it can take up to a week to have a limit approved and raised.
Jefferson Payroll and SEPA
Jefferson will commence bank testing ahead of the February 2014 deadline from September 2013, meaning we’ll be fully SEPA compliant well before the February 2014 cut-off. If you are a Jefferson client and have any queries relating to SEPA please contact the Jefferson SEPA Team at sepa [at] jefferson [dot] ie.
For queries on the control limits, please contact your AIB Relationship Manager.
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