The following was posted today on the Revenue website
The Collector-General’s office will assume responsibility for tax clearance with effect from 1 April 2016.
The vast majority of taxpayers now apply for tax clearance via the new on-line facility (e-Tax Clearance), without any need to contact Revenue. The system can be accessed via ROS for business customers or via MyAccount for PAYE and non-ROS customers.
However, where a taxpayer experiences any difficulties in using the new e-Tax Clearance system or has any queries in regard to tax clearance generally, contact should be made with the Collector-General’s office at telephone number 1890 20 30 70 or by writing to the Office of the Collector-General, Sarsfield House, Francis Street, Limerick. Contact with the Collector-General’s office can also be made via MyEnquiries if the taxpayer is registered for the service.
Where a taxpayer requiring tax clearance is not e-enabled for any reason, contact should be made with the local tax office or with the Collector-General’s office to request a Form TC1, which should be completed and returned to the Office of the Collector-General, Sarsfield House, Francis Street, Limerick.
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The Team at Jefferson