Revenue have issued the latest notice with regard to ROS Pay & File deadline for your Form 11, Form 12 or IT 38.
It read as follows on the Revenue website:
Update on eBrief 087/17
Revenue wishes to confirm that the filing and payment date for the 2016 Form 11 and any associated payment, and the preliminary tax payment for 2017, has been extended and will be midnight on 16 November 2017 rather than midnight on 14 November 2017.
Filers who use the ROS offline application and who wish to avail of the extended filing date of 16 November will need to download an updated version of the ROS offline application. This is being updated and will be available in early November.
The extended date also applies to Capital Acquisitions Tax returns (IT 38) in respect of gifts or inheritances with valuation dates in the year ended 31 August 2017 and to Forms 12 for 2016 which are filed electronically.
The ROS Technical Helpdesk and the ROS Payment Support Unit will be open until midnight on 16 November.
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The Team at Jefferson