Structure of Earnings Survey Ireland | SES
The CSO are currently asking employers to submit a list of PPS numbers to them for the purposes of an EU-wide Structure of Earnings Survey (SES).  The numbers are being paired with the employer’s CSO reference (the CBR) to create a unique identifier to reference a number of databases for compiling the SES.
The CSO has stressed that as part of the Department of Social Protection’s register of users,  they will ensure all PPS numbers will remain confidential and will only be used solely for the purpose of the survey.
If you get such a request, Jefferson can provide this data on request for you (if you are Jefferson client of course!)
The data will be captured and provided in three separate files, one for each of the tax years 2012 to 2014 inclusive. The PPS numbers can be picked up from our software by running a special file export for each tax year.  The Excel files required for (each tax year) require the following layout :
- The CBR (or CSO reference number) will be provided in Cell A1 (this is a unique identifier set up for each employer that submits a CSO survey)
- It is a ten digit code beginning with ‘EN’ followed by 8 numeric characters (e.g. EN12345678)
- They will be printed on the survey request letter also generated by the payroll software.
- The relevant year for the PPS Numbers is entered in Cell A2 (e.g. 2012, 2013 or 2014).
- The PPS numbers are then listed from Cell A3 down.
The file will be provided in Excel with the file name format of CBR_2012 (e.g. EN12345678_2012) and so on for each of the 3 years the CSO require.
You, the employer must lodge these 3 files separately to the CSO via the CSO’s Secure Deposit Box (SDB) selecting Structure of Earnings Survey from the drop down menu.  For details on how to use the SES Secure Deposit Box, download this PDF
More details on the SES in general, visit this CSO page.
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The Team at Jefferson